In Loving Memory
Please remember in your prayers Stephen Wegener who has been born into eternal life. May his soul and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
Please keep his family in your prayers.
Please remember in your prayers Stephen Wegener who has been born into eternal life. May his soul and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
Please keep his family in your prayers.
Welcome to our newest member of the Catholic faith who was baptized at St. Francis of Assisi Parish in the month of December. May God shower her with an abundance of His grace and blessings!
Ayla M. Rieck, daughter of Joenah and Taylor Rieck.
St. Francis Bazaar is an annual tradition for our Church. This is organized and run by our church members and other volunteers and it features a homemade meal, baked goods for the cake walk, some craft items – (Unique Boutique), in addition to having an auction, raffles, games for all and a kids run.
The Bazaar meal price is as follows: Adults (13 years+ ) $15.00, Children (ages 6-12) $10.00 and Kids 5 and under are free. To go meals are $16.00. The meal is served from noon to 4 PM.
Kids Run begins at 11:30 AM
Booths for the games open at 12:30 PM
Auction is held at 5 PM
Bazaar Flyer Link below:
© 2020