Selection Process for Broader Unified Planning Committee
Selection Process for Broader Unified Planning Committee
Through the Journey of Faith, our archdiocesan pastoral planning process, the Archbishop made a decision to help secure the blessings of Catholic education for future generations in our area. That decision is to merge St. Francis and Holy Family 7-12 grades into one school.
The Lindsay – Humphrey United Planning Leadership Team (consisting of two school board members and administration from both schools and two Archdiocesan representatives) had their initial meeting Monday the 24th. The objective of the meeting was to identify qualities we are looking for in a consultant. Several questions were developed that would be asked of the consultant after their formal presentation to the group. The consultants will give their presentations to this team on May 10th.
The Leadership Team recognizes that there are challenges that will need to be addressed and have agreed to work together throughout the process.
A broader committee is being formed to help the Leadership Team navigate this process. The selection process for forming this broader committee will heavily consider the qualifications listed below, as well as, a balanced representation from elementary and high school parents.
Qualifications to be considered for committee:
- Committed to the reason for our school: Catholic Education
- Committed to promoting and living out the Catholic Faith.
- Committed to open-ended, respectful discussion focused on the end goal: a strong and unified Catholic school.
- Committed to fully supporting the decisions made by the committee, setting aside personal views after decisions are made.
If you would like to volunteer for this committee, please fill out the form by selecting the link below.
Please submit the form by May 8 to be considered for the committee.
Mrs. Jennifer Dunn